Monday, March 10, 2008

Songwriting Lesson with Elliott Smith

hey everybody. today i thought i'd post a video i came across a few weeks ago of elliott smith talking about his songwriting process. of course the single most important aspect of being a musician is actually creating music! it's easy to get lost in the promotion and in finding gigs and making merch and managing websites, all the side stuff. every now and then i find i need a little something to jumpstart my writing, something to inspire me. sometimes it's just a good day or an event, and sometimes it's a magazine article or a video like the one below.

for those of you who don't know, elliott smith was an excellent and influential songwriter in the nineties and early 2000s. he died in '03 but his music is still being released posthumously to this day. he's been one of the biggest influences on my music (and countless others) and if you haven't heard him yet you've been missing out. this video doesn't go into too much detail but like i said, it's inspiring to me, i hope it is to you too.

thanks for reading!


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