Monday, March 17, 2008

Radiohead Interview in Rolling Stone

hey everyone.

i just thought this was an interesting article, the different members of the band talk about every aspect of themselves from their home life to the writing process to the personal dynamics within the band, it's eight pages of musical geniuses proving that they're not that different from you and me and i really enjoyed it.

check it out here.

some of the stuff i really like is thom yorke floating the idea of no more albums, at least not as often or in the traditional sense. he says that with the success of the online distribution of their last album he's keen on the idea of releasing songs as they're completed as singles, or maybe in sets of two or three. that's really interesting to me, especially since that's the only way i "release" my songs at the moment.

anyway, hope you find something interesting in there, thanks for reading!


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